Vervo Auto welcomes two new trucks—a conversation with the company co-owners, Māris Dreimanis and Jānis Zariņš.

Vervo Auto welcomes two new trucks—a conversation with the company co-owners, Māris Dreimanis and Jānis Zariņš.

Last week, one of the Vervo Group companies, "Vervo Auto," which provides cargo shipping all over Europe, received two new trucks, the Volvo FH. Both vehicles have already completed their first cargo shipments. One of the trucks went to Strasbourg, France, to deliver a cargo of pellets. The other one delivered timber supplies to Andorra.

To find out more about why exactly Vervo Auto chose those cars, what their main benefits are, and what their plans are for the future, we interviewed the co-owners of Vervo Auto, Māris Dreimanis and Jānis Zariņš.

High risk

The company received the trucks in September, although they had been ordered relatively long ago—almost a year ago—in October 2021. As the situation in the world has shown us, a year can change a lot. So, we asked: Was there not a high risk in ordering cars knowing they would be delivered only in a year because the COVID-19 pandemic was not close to an end? Jānis answered, "The risk, of course, there was; A year can change a lot, but logistics services are the ones that will always be in demand." "It is necessary to deliver food, materials, and other goods, so the use of trucks will always be found." "Now that the vehicles have arrived, there are no regrets at all because at that moment it was possible to purchase them at a more favorable price than now," added Jānis.

Why Volvo?

Considering the fact that Vervo Auto already has Scania and Mercedes trucks, it chose to try Volvo this time. "Scania, Mercedes, and Volvo are the three leading companies that offer trucks. Each of them has its pros and cons. Until you try it yourself, you will not know. "You cannot understand how good a car is from what others say, so we have to try it ourselves," says J. Zariņš. The new Volvo trucks have 500 HP engines, two turbines, and good consumption figures.

Volvo differences

The vehicles vary in every aspect—in design, cabin size, ergonomics, engine power, and consumption figures too. Some features of the trucks are quite different. However, a truck remains a truck, performing the same function.

The current situation and TOP destinations

Jānis says that, compared to August, for instance, the situation has stabilized. There are requests for cargo shipments both to and from Europe. The prices are also in line with the market situation. When talking about the most common destinations where Vervo trucks need to go, Janis answers that the most popular and frequent countries for Vervo Auto trucks are Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain. Also, cargoes are transported to the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Austria, and other European countries, wherever needed.

Plans for the Future

"We constantly play to take the next steps, of course." Jānis, the co-owner of Vervo Auto, explains: "Right now, while receiving the new trucks, we have already sent price requests to the largest truck dealers and are waiting for their answers on what they can offer. We may send 3-5 trucks over the next year. "There are no plans to stop, depending on the available capacity; we will see how many cars we can afford."

On the other hand, when talking about the future of Vervo Group, Māris Dreimanis mentions that "Right now we need to focus on stabilizing our companies in the new markets, along with expanding market share both in Latvia and in other countries." He also said, "It is important to ensure their profitability; other plans include promoting cooperation with global strategic partners and key players in the market."

Five trucks instead of three 

We asked Jānis Zariņš about how he feels now that, instead of 3 trucks, there are 5. He said: "Of course, we are proud of what we have done; but we wish we had ordered more trucks because prices were far better at the time." "I would definitely have ordered even ten trucks if I knew that the prices would rise so significantly," with humor, said Jānis. "For sure, there is a reason for a party; every purchase we make of a new truck is a celebration." He continued.

The importance of Vervo Auto in the Vervo Group

As a freight forwarder, we operate more than 100 vehicles. However, these five trucks are the ones that represent our company. "From time to time, we try to go to our customers with Vervo trucks, so they do not forget about us," jokes Māris. "One of their biggest benefits is outdoor advertising for Vervo," he said.

Vervo Auto is one of the Vervo Group companies. Vervo Auto provides high-quality transport services in Europe, offering groupage and full cargo deliveries with tent semi-trailers. To receive the most convenient offer, contact Vervo Auto via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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